Geo groupIslamabad: Geo TV Network has demanded to parliamentarian to create a committee in order to investigate that who shut down Geo network and who is behind the closure of Geo news. Jang, Geo Group also claimed that we have some proves due to which we can proved that some ISI officers are behind the closure of Geo News.

A spokesman for the Jang Group also says we have brought this in the knowledge of ISI and its senior editors, General Raheel Sharif, ISI Lt Gen Zaheer Ul Islam, DGI, SPR as we have also tried to contact with them in this manner but we got zero result. Spokesman also requested to parliamentarian to raise voice on this matter as we are suffering great loss due to which we are even not able to pay salaries to our workers. [alert style=”white”]If this matter will not investigated soon, then accusations of Imran Khan and Tahir-Ul-Qadri will considers as right which they impose on parliamentarian and their claim of failure of current system will also be proven right, spokesman added.[/alert]

Geo TV Network also warned that if this matter will not resolve soon then we will protest in front of ISI office and parliamentarian as we have suffered much a lot and we have further no capacity to bear issue further more.