WAILUKU: A Hawaii man has filed a $300 million copyright contravention legal action, saying the “Matrix” trilogy of sci-fi films has striking likenesses to his script.

Playwriter Thomas Althouse of Maui claims 166 examples in the pictures are like parts of his 1992 movie script, “The Immortals.” Referred to in the court action are Warner Brothers. Entertainment Incorporated, producer Joel Silver, directors and writers. The court action was filed in U.S. District Court in the Central District of California in Jan 2013.

Althouse said that he was invited by studio managers to submit his story to the Burbank, Calif, studio in 1993 for consideration as a possible project.

Defense lawyers, in court filings, reject such an invite was made. “There isn’t any merit to this silly court action,” Warner Brothers.Warner Bros to face a court trial

[alert style=”white”] The courts can resolve this matter, however there is a potential damage to the Warner Bros credibility if incase the litigations turns against them. [/alert]

Related in a press release, Althouse claims the idea of the film trilogy – hi-tech stories in which fact is basically simulated, made by machines to defeat humans, and a PC programmer leads a rebellion against the machines – was born 4 months after the studio received his movie script.