Imran Khan went with his wife Reham Khan to visit Jinnah ground, Azizabad Karachi. Thousands of people were present there to welcome them and have a glimpse of their beloved leader. All the Media reported the event which was marked by the visit of Imran Khan to the Muttahida Qaumi Movement ‘MQM’ Stronghold Azizabad. Samaa TV reported that few of the men with strong sticks in hand and heads covered with MQM flag were present there and they harassed the female journalists and threatened them to leave the area at once.

As per the report of Samaa TV the people who were few but organized were creating disturbances amongst the people. Some of the PTI supporters also were beaten up and thumped by the miscreants who were doing this with the sole purpose to create panic among the people and to threaten them to leave the area. Samaa TV reported the people involved in creating panic were very organized they were carrying MQM flags and their heads were also covered with it.Azizabad PTI Rally

The reporter said that MQM claims that our workers are not the problem creators, the normal citizens are doing this but today we saw with our own eyes their faces themselves were speaking up that they are up to something bad creating terror, even if they were normal citizens they were there to threaten the innocent people, harm them and thump them even not sparing the females, they also threatened the female journalists who were there doing their job and asked them to leave the area at immediately.

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