Print or Written Media: An individual as a reader is at greater advantage as compared with other media. As a reader, he enjoys primary importance in reading the print whenever he wishes and as it is at his convenience. As far as radio and the screen are concerned, the individuals find themselves in secondary positions and are not in a position to have their say in the whole set-up and even cannot exercise discretionary powers.

Firstly , A print or written media grants license to the reader to be selective in discretion. He can scan, skip or digest whenever the pleases and whatever he likes. In other words, he controls the exposure. Secondly the print or the written media are characterized with as much exposure as the reader likes. But the exposure of radio and television programmes are limited rather rare, as it is not possible to repeat them. similarly the screen or films are exposed or exhibited for a limited period, say some weeks. A print or a book can be consulted or referred to several times and remain so. Thirdly the printed matter can be presented and scanned in details which are the best and superior media for the representation of detailed discussion. As against it, the programmes on radio and television are relatively of very brief duration and are basically pre-determined. The lengthening of films series and programmes on air and television is quite incompatible and unfeasible to the nature of the audience.

Therefore we gather that the printed matter is not only of lasting and enduring nature, also can be referred to again and again and has enough space for any length of printed matter. Fourthly printed matter can contain all kinds of views, including the minority views. Even the unorthodox printed matter is a peculiar and forceful media which invites and preserves all unorthodox views, concepts and thinking with full forceful voice and impact. Fifthly the printed matter, being the oldest mass media, holds the specific prestige which has been increasing. The printed matter holds a special niche in the whole literature on media and communication. The reader is sincerely attached and associated to the printed matter, rather is liable to be influenced. The printer matter likewise lends greater effectiveness and pervasiveness and persuasiveness. As such, the printed matter provides the greatest sense of permanence

Destination: The destination stands for the receiver, audience, decoder, target or the destination of message; which is the ultimate objective of the communication. Destination can be termed the end result and goal of an effective communication. The destination may comprise of an individual, a group, audience, a crows, members of an organization or the mass audience. It is the destination or the target or the receiver who receives the message and decodes and thus comprehends the message.

In order to reach a definite destination, there should be no barriers of any kind between the sender or the source and the ultimate destination. It implies that the communication should strengthen all the factors underlying it to realize the target. All the factors and channels forming the whole process of communication should be streamlined with oriented goals, and eliminate all such factors or barriers which blockade the whole process of communication oe vitiate the processing of communication in right direction with definite goals.