SAN FRANCISCO: Google’s Niantic Laboratories, the unchanged laboratories that brought the expanded fact game Ingress, has partnered up with publisher HarperCollins to make another location-based improved fact game. The spirit of the play will go with James Frey and Nils Johnson-Shelton’s firsthand Endgame book trilogy. The 1st manuscript in the trilogy, Endgame: The Calling will be on the loose this October seventh.

The whole Endgame sequences will be a fragment of a “cross-media project” that comprises additional PDF short stories (6 of which should be exclusive to the Google Play store), mapping coordinates, YouTube media, search results, social media, and an interactive puzzle.

[alert style=”white”] Each book will also have anaward for the number one tocomplete the interactive puzzle. [/alert]

ForEndgame: The Calling, the reward is a vague quantity of gold that’ll be on public display in a shotresistantcrystal case. Once the puzzle is resolved, a key can unlock the case, which may live-issued on YouTube.

Google is always in exploration of various solutions for different audiences throughout the globe. Collaborations with other brands will definitely enable Google to present a unique, fascinating & storytelling reality game.

Google isn’t discharging much info about the software; nevertheless it will possibly be part of the interactive puzzle. The upcoming applicationresonancessimilarto the earlier production Ingress. Ingress actually connected consumers and their smartphones to the real sphere. It would be difficult to exactly determine what it would be offering. Howevercontrasting Ingress, the software should be obtainable for jointlyiOS and Android devices.