KashanCriticism on Kisan Mela 2015 in University of Agriculture Faisalabad has costs a lot for a PHD student. According to the media reports, a student named as Syed Kashan Haider Gilani was expelled from University of Agriculture Faisalabad over criticism on Facebook. Doing his doctorate in Agricultural Extension, Kashan had criticized the event of Kisan Mela 2015 on social media, organized by the University of Agriculture Faisalabad. Kashan Haider stated in his post that music concert does not represents the rural life and farmers will get nothing from it. Previously, student of Karachi University was also expelled from the university.

After reading the post of Kashan Haider Gilani, the administration of University of Agriculture Faisalabad expelled him. In a notice issued by the management to Kashan Haider, it is stated that Kashan has violated rules and regulations of the university and that particular act causes damage to the reputation of the university.

Syed kashanWhile replying on this notice, Kashan had also submitted apology letter 3 times but the management of the university has expelled him. As this news widely circulated on national and social media, Agriculture Minister of Punjab has taken notice of this issue and asked the management of the university to present report.

It is to be noted that Kashan has been studying in University of Agriculture Faisalabad from the last 7 years and had topped in BS Honors, while received silver medal in Masters.

Update: After social media media outbreak that criticized the University administration to silence the intellectual opinion of the student by expelling him from University, the administration has reinstated his right of education.