Newspaper Jang has published the fake Photoshopped photo in their newspaper. Jang has published in this photo that Administrator Kamal Mustafa and Commissioner Latif Lodhi and other officers are considering of the rain water on the road. Our media has always supported to the corrupted people and give them courage. This Jang Newspaper Photoshopped has raised question on Credibility of Pakistani Electronic & Print Media.

Our media is spoiling corrupted people by giving them courage. Media is deceiving our naive people by showing that they are very sincere with the nation. Jang Karachi has tried to show them that they are very hard working people and they remain busy for the sake of our country through their fake photo. Our media should not support that hypocrite people.

Here is Image which has been taken from Leading Pakistani Urdu newspaper “Jang”.

jang fake pictureWhy do our media support them by giving the wrong information about the cruel people? They will treat with their nation and they hypocrite people are not the well wisher for their innocent nation. If they are not sincere with us then why media show them that they are very sincere with us. Media should not help them at all otherwise they cruel people will get more courage which is not good for us.